GolfBucket lessons
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Golf Swing

The Golf Swing is one of the hardest things to perfect. Everyone likes to swing their golf clubs differently. click the picture to see how to swing a golf club.

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Putting is one of the hardest parts of golf. It could either make or break your score. Click the picture for some drills you could use out on the putting green.

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Chipping is very crucial in the game of golf it could determain how close your putt will be and you can't preform a full swing when too close to the hole.

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pitch shot

To hit a low shot that lands short of the slope and runs to the hole, align your sand wedge squarely at the target, and position the ball in the middle of your stance. Take a short, crisp backswing, hinging your wrists but limiting your arm swing (above)

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Bunker shots

there's no reason you shouldn't hit great bunker shots, too. Just make your normal full swing and hit the sand instead of the ball. Play the ball just forward of center in your stance, and favor your front foot. Hover the clubhead about three inches behind the ball—where you want to enter the sand.

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Bump and Run

The bump and run might have a unique name but the instructions are in the name. You hit the balll at angle so it does not go up high in the air and also at an angle where the ball can roll close to the hole or in the hole

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The driver is one of the hardest clubs to hit. It is the longest club in your bag, because of that you need to stand a bit further back from the ball that can be tricky because you have to change up your postion and make sure your form is perfect all the way through

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Golf Drills

After learning all of the shots that are useful in golf you need to practice them so you won't forget and so you perfect it. this is where drills come in, they help you perfect your golf swing and make it muscle memory

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What is GolfBucket?

Golf bucket is a showcase of some of the greatest most insperational golfers to ever be in the PGA tour.