
Deck List and news

Welcome to the hearthstone page

Me I'm a 17 year old hearthstone player. I enjoy playing mage and rogue I run other decks too but I find these decks to be the best ones to play.

My Name

I'm a 17 year old hearthstone player. I enjoy playing mage and rogue I run other decks too but I find these decks to be the best ones to play.


Tempo mage

Ranked deck October 28, 2016

Considered one of the greatest decks to come out of the new karazhan expansion released on August 11, 2016.This party expansion released 45 new cards many of which are used by this deck. the majority of these cards are used to create tempo. with the help of other expansions like black rock mountain and league of explores this deck can easily be crafted with cards you have unlocked from completing these adventures.


Mill Rogue

Low cost tournament deck October 28, 2016

Dependent on 2 cards mill rogue is one of the easiest tournement decks to craft and if used effectivly can be considered unstoppable against warriors and other classes with slow tempos. though it has a mid range tempo it can also be countered easily by mage, hunter, and warlock .


I'm a 17 year old hearthstone player. I enjoy playing mage and rogue I run other decks too but I find these decks to be the best ones to play.

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